Download Angelina and Men
Book Details
⚡️Book Title : Angelina and Men
⚡Book Author : Shaktima Brien
⚡Page : 194 pages
⚡Published August 16th 2010 by
Angelina and Men
Exploring beaches, cafes, retreats and new cultures, Angelina embarks a creative journey through art, Psyche, sex and spirit. Executive by day, lover by night, Angelina hunts for men and business in hope of finding love and success. Convinced that she is more than a daughter, a lover or a corporate executive, she leaves the conventional behind to fly into the unknown. Questioning everything, pope, prince charming, mad men and material girls, she hitchhikes across America, and invents a new life. Monks, artists, gypsies and magicians of new worlds, all have something to teach her to be free and happy. Told with humor and sensuality, the story captures the evolution of a girl from childhood to womanhood. Demystifying God, sex and commerce, when plastic cards, careers and lovers have come and gone, she climbs the mountain, and becomes one with it.