Online Reading Red Oleanders
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⚡️Book Title : Red Oleanders
⚡Book Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Red Oleanders
Red Oleanders, a powerful and moving play, is the story of Nandini, a girl who recognises no social barriers and taboos and who disregards them in her search for happiness. Nandini is one of those individuals who bring out the best in human nature. Entering a town where men are enslaved to mine gold, she makes them aware of their bondage and creates in them a desire to be free. Her symbol, the red oleander, can be variously interpreted as frailty or as the red badge of courage. But Nandini escapes being defined as just a symbol. The tremendous verve with which Tagore invests her, makes her a real living personality, and her death is actually a rebirth for the gold diggers. - from the back cover