Download Tears of a Dragon (Dragons in Our Midst, #4)

Tears of a Dragon (Dragons in Our Midst, #4) - Victory in the Circles of Seven came at a great cost to Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver. A vicious evil was unleashed on the earth that only the dragons can defeat. With Billys father, the great Clefspeare, missing, Billy and Bonnie must lead the dragons into war against the Watchersdemonic beings as old as the earth itself. Masters at the art of deception, the Watchers use the deadliest of weapons against mankind. A remnant of wise humans, the friends of the dragons, unite in the struggle against the Watchers. With heart-stopping action, the final battle between dragons and their enemies comes to a climax. But in order to win the war, at least one of the dragons must die. As the story ends, Billy and Bonnie are faced with the greatest decision of their lives. Will they keep the dragon traits that have cost them so much danger and heartache, or will they turn to normal human life and end the slayers lust for their blood forever.

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Book Details

️Book Title : Tears of a Dragon (Dragons in Our Midst, #4)
⚡Book Author : Bryan Davis
⚡Page : 384 pages
⚡Published October 28th 2005 by Living Ink Books

Tears of a Dragon (Dragons in Our Midst, #4)

Victory in the Circles of Seven came at a great cost to Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver. A vicious evil was unleashed on the earth that only the dragons can defeat. With Billys father, the great Clefspeare, missing, Billy and Bonnie must lead the dragons into war against the Watchersdemonic beings as old as the earth itself. Masters at the art of deception, the Watchers use the deadliest of weapons against mankind. A remnant of wise humans, the friends of the dragons, unite in the struggle against the Watchers. With heart-stopping action, the final battle between dragons and their enemies comes to a climax. But in order to win the war, at least one of the dragons must die. As the story ends, Billy and Bonnie are faced with the greatest decision of their lives. Will they keep the dragon traits that have cost them so much danger and heartache, or will they turn to normal human life and end the slayers lust for their blood forever.

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